
Jasmine Daya on Cyberbullying for CBC News

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  • Recently, Jasmine Daya & Co. partner Jasmine Daya offered her insight on the legal implications of cyberbullying to CBC Toronto News (segment begins at 28:35).

    Toronto teens using website to share gossip, promote parties

    The CBC news story arose following a party at Rosedale Park, which was promoted on a website claiming over 28,000 subscribers. The site content is provided by local teens, including photos, personal information, as well as gossip and rumours about various individuals.

    Aside from the criminal activity that occurred at the Rosedale Park party, this website is an environment where cyberbullying is likely rampant, and impacting the lives of many young people.

    Cyberbullying causes mental distress and can give rise to civil liability

    Whether it happens through social media like Snapchat or Facebook, or via a website like the one described above, cyberbullying can include any online activity that is intended to threaten or intimidate another person.

    Often, young people do not realize the ramifications of their actions, but cyberbullying can cause true psychological harm to its victims. Any person that intentionally posts material and inflicts mental suffering could be civilly liable for the damage they cause. Injured victims may require compensation for therapy and mental health treatment, time off of work or school, and other forms of care.

    Where the bully is a young person, their parents may also be liable to any victims. As legal guardians, parents are responsible for supervising their child’s behaviour and ensuring they do not cause undue harm. If the bullying occurs at school, or even if school computers are being used to post material, there may also be grounds for a claim against the school board.

    Toronto lawyers dedicated to helping the victims of cyberbullying

    At Jasmine Daya & Co., we assist victims that have suffered mental health injuries and related financial losses as the result of cyberbullying, including children and teens. We have decades of experience litigating complex personal injury matters, and know how to build a strong case on behalf of our clients. To schedule a free consultation with one of our compassionate team members, contact us online, or call 416-967-9100.