
Halloween Safety

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  • Candy, costumes and celebration, it’s that time of year again – Halloween. But every dose of fun is accompanied by danger in a certain measure. It is therefore vital that children adhere to the following safety tips in order to have a fun night out on Halloween.

    Most importantly, motorists should be extra-vigilant on Halloween. Children will undoubtedly be roaming the streets and going door-to-door trick-or-treating. Motorists should therefore take it upon themselves to drive slower on Halloween and be alert for trick-or-treaters.

    Try your best to not have masks as part of your child’s costume. Once again, visibility is key to ensuring a safe night out as kids will be walking out in the dark. Likewise, it would be equally important for motorists to be able to see the children out on the street, so ensure that your child’s costume is made of lighter and more translucent material. If possible, place reflective tape on your child’s costume. Costumes should also fit appropriately. Avoid over-sized costumes which can lead to children tripping and falling. Bordering on November, Halloween can be cold. So, make sure that your children dress for the weather.

    If your children are trick-or-treating without you or an adult guardian, arrange for them to be in a group of children. Make sure that they carry around a flashlight with them. Discuss the trick-or-treating route in advance and implement a curfew.

    Homeowners who hand out candy should also take steps in order to ensure the safety of children. Houses and the premises should be well lit, and leaves should be swept to ensure that no one slips, trips or falls.

    October 31st is not just for children to enjoy, adults celebrate Halloween just as much and need to be just as cautious when engaging in the festivities of the day which can be fraught with just as much danger. The Occupiers’ Liability Act requires that owners of nightclubs, bars and sporting events provide for a reasonably safe environment when hosting patrons at their facilities. Accordingly, their security staff and bouncers must ensure that patrons are not physically or sexually harmed. Owners and operators can be found liable if their security staff engaged in excessive force or sexual assault.

    The team at Jasmine Daya & Co. wishes you and your family a safe and happy Halloween.

    At Jasmine Daya & Co., we work on a contingency fee basis which means that we will not be paid until your case has been resolved.  If you or your loved ones have suffered a personal injury, call the team at Jasmine Daya & Co. at 416-967-9100 or contact us online at to schedule a free consultation.