
Distracted Driving Laws in Ontario Explained

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  • Distracted driving is a leading cause of traffic accidents in Ontario, and the number of deaths from distracted driving collisions in this province has doubled since 2000[1]. In fact, in up to 80% of traffic collisions involve some form of driver inattention up to three seconds before the accident![2]

    With almost every adult owning a smart phone, there have never been more distractions for drivers. The temptation to answer a phone call or text message can be irresistible, even when we are in the car.

    Distracted driving laws in Ontario

    The law in Ontario is very strict, and requires drivers to be free from any form of distraction while operating a vehicle. In addition to using a phone, which is explicitly prohibited, distracted driving could include reading a paper map, adjusting the stereo, eating or drinking, or even talking to passengers. The penalties for distracted driving can be steep: up to three demerit points and a maximum fine of $1,000.

    Distracted drivers that endanger another person may also be charged with Careless Driving, which carries a maximum fine of $2,000, possible license suspension, or jail time.

    Accidents caused by distracted driving

    Distracted driving is unsafe and irresponsible. If you have been injured in a car accident and the driver responsible was distracted for any reason, you may be able to bring a claim for compensation.

    Even if the police do not charge the other driver with distracted or careless driving, they may still have been driving in an unsafe or dangerous manner.  Any driver that is distracted and causes an accident may be negligent, and therefore liable for any damages or injuries that result.

    Representation for victims of distracted driving in Ontario

    Jasmine Daya & Co. has a skilled team of lawyers who specialize in personal injury claims arising from online.

