
Bouncer Assault

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  • I love this city!  Toronto is the epitome of a vibrant and diverse society that I am so proud to be a part of. Our city has a nightlife that will ensure enjoyment but unfortunately some of our restaurants, bars, lounges and clubs experience issues from time to time due to the venues security or “bouncers” acting in a manner that is inappropriate and even illegal.  It’s those types of individuals that are ruining our city’s scene and they need to be held accountable.

    A bouncer does not have rights beyond that of an ordinary citizen.  What does that mean?  They cannot attack you and drag you out of the club regardless of how much alcohol you have consumed and, by the way, they are not allowed to over serve alcohol to you either.  As I write this, I know it sounds like obvious advice but as one who has been to many amazing establishments in Toronto, I’ve seen it all.  It wasn’t until I became a personal injury lawyer and had a few years of experience that I realized, “Hey, wait a sec, that bouncer can’t do that!”  Unfortunately, many people assume that it’s okay but I’m here to tell you that it’s not.  With cell phone camera footage, you are now able to capture evidence of what really occurred and that’s extremely helpful but even if you don’t have it, that’s okay too. You have a voice and you have just come across a lawyer that will stand by your side and take care of the legal aspect of things.

    There are numerous factors to consider in this area of law such as over service of alcohol, excessive force, proper security checks, ensuring your safety in the venue and if they served alcohol to you then even after you have left.

    If you have been injured due to nightclub security or staff, call me at (416) 967-9100 ext. 234 or contact us online and we’ll review your options.  There is no fee for an initial consultation.