
How Accident Benefits Coverage Works in Ontario

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  • Every automobile insurance policy in Ontario includes accident benefits coverage. This provides compensation for injuries suffered by drivers, passengers and other road users in an automobile accident, regardless of who is responsible or “at fault.” This post will provide an overview of how Ontario’s no-fault accident benefits coverage works, and how a skilled personal injury lawyer can help you advance your claim.

    What is covered by accident benefits?

    Depending on the severity of your injuries, your personal circumstances, and whether you have purchased any optional coverage, accident benefits may provide compensation for:

    • Lost income if you are unable to work;
    • Caregiving expenses if you are a full-time caregiver for a dependent family member;
    • Non-earner benefits if you are very seriously injured and unable to carry on a normal life;
    • Medical expenses incurred as a result of your injuries;
    • Rehabilitation and therapy costs during your recovery;
    • Attendant medical or nursing care if it is required; and/or
    • Additional expenses like housekeeping assistance or replacing damaged property.

    If an accident victim dies, accident benefits may also cover funeral expenses and provide financial compensation for immediate family members.

    How to make an accident benefits claim

    Within seven days of an accident, you should report your injuries to your vehicle’s insurance company, or if you are a pedestrian, cyclist or uninsured passenger, to the insurer of the vehicle that hit you. They will provide you with an Application for Accident Benefits that must be completed within thirty days, detailing the accident and your reported injuries.

    Once this step is complete, your insurer will provide a form to be completed by a medical professional that details the extent of your injuries, as well as other documents and requests for information to corroborate any claims for benefits. Depending on the nature of your claim, this may include confirming your employment history and earnings, pre-accident caregiving responsibilities, and documenting your out of pocket medical expenses.

    How your personal injury lawyer can help with an accident benefits claim

    If you have been seriously injured in a car accident, don’t handle your accident benefits claim yourself. An experienced personal injury lawyer can help you advance the strongest possible claim for compensation. If your accident benefits claim has been denied, we can also review your claim history and explore ways to fight the insurance company’s decision.

    At Jasmine Daya & Co., we have over four decades of experience supporting car accident victims, and helping our clients access the accident benefits they need. Contact us online or call our office at 416-967-9100 to make an appointment to discuss your claim; we offer free consultations to new clients.